Product video
OpenGov Permitting & Licensing Suite Tour
Enhance efficiency, collaboration, and customer satisfaction
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Want to see how OpenGov customers are using the Permitting & Licensing Suite to modernize workflows like permitting, licensing and code enforcement to process applications 5 times faster, decrease walk-ins by 80% and deliver up to 85% more cost-effectiveness than legacy systems?
Watch our Permitting & Licensing Suite video tour where we explore the entire suite including key features that enhance efficiency, collaboration, and customer satisfaction in the following areas:
Watch our Permitting & Licensing Suite video tour where we explore the entire suite including key features that enhance efficiency, collaboration, and customer satisfaction in the following areas:
- A public-facing storefront
- The permitting and licensing approval process through to issuance and renewal
- Internal and external collaboration and communication
- Inspections
- Reporting and analysis
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