OpenGov Transform Keynote

A Fireside Chat on Leading Your Government Through Covid with Zac Bookman and John Chambers

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OpenGov CEO Zac Bookman will be joined by John Chambers, founder and CEO of JC2 Ventures, former Chairman and CEO of Cisco Systems,and a veteran of multiple financial and health crises, in an open discussion on how to effectively manage and lead through a crisis. Drawing from a wealth of experience, the speakers will share their basic rules for leadership during a crisis, lessons they have learned from navigating previous crises, what the ‘new normal’ may look like, and how to find opportunities during these current hardships to not only survive, but to come through even stronger.

Topics will include:

  • Leading teams and organizations through difficult times
  • Seeing opportunity in times of adversity
  • John’s playbook for leadership during a crisis
  • Greatest hopes for the outcome of this current crisis
  • Audience Q&A

John Chambers, Chairman Emeritus
Cisco and CEO, JC2 Ventures

Zac Bookman, CEO

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